Installation Instructions

  1. Download to your computer latest ParkPixel script from Download Section in the clients area.
  2. Unzip the script file.
  3. Open: UPLOAD/settings/global.php file in any text editor.
  4. Edit any other settings options, as you need, then save it.
  5. Upload all Files/Folders in the UPLOAD folder to your website. (Just upload the contents in that folder, not the folder it self)
  6. Done, all your parked domain well used by ParkPixel.

How to park Domain Name:

1. Edit your domain name DNS (for point it to your server), this can be done from your domain registrar control panel.
2. Login to your website cPanel, Plesk or your website control panel.
3. Add your domain to Park form.
4. Done.


Need Help?

– Please login to your Account Area, open support ticket, we’ll be happy to help you.
– You can’t install ParkPixel, or you don’t have a time to do?
Login to your Account Area, order Script Installation, then open ticket support (include your website FTP information and any other instructions).